On November 21-23, 2024, members of the Baltics4UA team from Lviv Polytechnic – Nataliia Vovk
and Anna Shillinh, took part in the Ukrainian Open Science Forum in Lviv.
This event united scientists, teachers, students, postgraduates, and all those interested in open
science, academic integrity, and current challenges in the academic world. The forum was held in a
hybrid format, which allowed everyone to join it both in person in Lviv and online.

The 11th International Youth Science Forum ‘Litteris et Artibus’ conference was held as part of the
forum, where a study on “Anti-crisis responsiveness of HEIs: intercomprehension in academia-
driven social actions” was presented. The authors of this study are Nataliia Vovk and Anna Shilinh
from Lviv Polytechnic National University and Lianne Teder from Tallinn University. The study
was prepared based on the results of the activities carried out within the framework of the
Baltics4UA project.
The aim of this article «Anti-crisis responsiveness of HEIs: intercomprehension in academia-driven
social actions» is to present intercomprehension of the main methods and social actions initiated by
the academic environment for the anti-crisis response of higher education institutions. The study
uses Hart’s method to analyze the effectiveness of implemented universities’ social actions in
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Ukraine.
The article will be published in free access on the Peers Int platform. The results of the study are
available at the given link.