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Open Access Educational Materials for Academic Staff. Beitane, A., Kondratyk, Y., Gibson, C., Stučka, M., Boichenko, K., Dovidonytė, R. Jonaityte, L., Teder, L., Vovk, N., Shilinh, A., Oikonomou, S., & Zourou, K. (2024)

Report. (D7). Zourou, K., Boichenko K., & Oikonomou, S. (2024). Business-academia openings: collection of examples to foster academic resilience in crisis response

Publication. Zourou, K., Boichenko, K., Oikonomou, S. (2023). Business response to support the Ukrainian crisis in the Baltics: Openings to academia and civil society. In VIII International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Innovative entrepreneurship: state and prospects of development”: a collection of scientific papers. Ukraine, Kyiv: KNEU, 249-254.

Publication. Boichenko K., Zourou K., Oikonomou S. (2023). Exploring the Business Community’s Contribution to Academic Resilience for Effective Response for Ukrainian Crisis in the Baltics. In International security in the light of current global challenges: Baltic States – Ukraine: unity, support, victory: a collection of scientific papers. Ukraine, Kyiv: KNEU, 266-270.

Publication. Boichenko, K., Zourou, K., Oikonomou, S. (2024). Innovating through adversity: Baltic universities’ and businesses’ synergies for resilience. In IХ International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Innovative entrepreneurship: state and prospects of development”: a collection of scientific papers. Ukraine, Kyiv: KNEU, 214-226.

Policy brief. (D8). Kondratyk, Y., Gibson, C., & Beitane, A. (2024). Higher education in humanitarian crises: resilience, social inclusion, innovation (result of the project’s WP2A11).

Publication. (D2). Pranckutė, A., Abolina, I., Beitane, A., Berezko, O., Boichenko, K., Gibson, C. H., Jõgi, L., Oikonomou, S., Pata, K., Shilinh, A., Stučka, M., Tautkevičienė, G., Teder, L., Vali, F., Vovk, N., & Zourou, K. (2023). WP2A4. Landscape analyses: Examples of citizen engagement initiatives for Ukraine organized by Baltic Universities.

Synthesis. (D3). Landscape analysis: Examples of citizen engagement initiatives for Ukraine organized by Baltic Universities. English. Lithuanian. Greek. Ukrainian. Estonian. Latvian.

Instruction. (D4). Oikonomou, S., Boichenko, K., & Zourou, K. (2023). Methodology for the design, implementation and assessment of citizen engagement as crisis response at Baltic HEIs. Web2Learn.

Publication. Zourou, K., Oikonomou, S., & Samiotios, S. (2023). Baltic universities fostering citizen engagement through social actions for Ukrainian refugees.

Review. (D1). Mapping activity: collection of initiatives undertaken by Baltic HEIs to engage citizens in forms of social action for Ukrainians (result of the project’s WP2 A1).

Presentation. Introduction of the projects: Goals, target groups and partners of Baltics4UA (as of February 2023 at the beginning of the project).