Public lecture „Information war: Industry 4.0 enabled technologies to ensure freedom, security and justice” took place on November 15th 2023.
The aim of this event was to educate the community on innovative technologies implemented to ensure the resilience of society and governance
structures to information warfare threats in the context of Russia‘s war against Ukraine.
Public lecture was organized by Gintarė Tautkevičienė, Rasa Dovidonytė and Aistė Pranckutė in collaboration with Fr0gLab team.

Researchers from Digital investigations Lab – Frog Lab established at KTU Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts were invited to give a public
lecture to the university community. After a public lecture there was a discussion and FrogLAB representatives answered questions and remarks
from the audience.
14 people participated (international students from Ukraine, researchers, librarians).

FrogLAB representatives being experts in the field of cyber security presented projects and activities that they carry out. Also they presented ways how Industry 4.0 enabled technologies are applied in their research activities. Participants of this event learned more about information war and its impact for the society as well as cyber security crimes which have significantly increased since Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine.