On 03 November 2023, a roundtable discussion on “The Vector of Values as the Main Area of
Influence in Engaging Citizens in Humanitarian Aid in Crisis Situations” was held in the library of
Lviv Polytechnic National University as part of the Baltics4UA project (Supporting Ukraine
through Citizen Engagement at Baltic Universities).

The event was dedicated to a discussion on analyzing the values of Ukrainians and their impact on
the involvement of citizens in humanitarian aid in crisis situations.
20 participants, including representatives of Lviv Polytechnic’s scientific community and university
students, attended the event.
The key speakers at the event were Olga Romanenko, PhD in Economics, State University of Trade
and Economics; Petro Baikovsky, PhD in Political Science, Ukrainian Catholic University; and
Richard Bunka, Chairman of the Latvian Bar Association.
The main topics of discussion were the following: the compass of world values; transformation of
values in Ukraine in the context of European integration; problems of Ukrainians’ integration with
the EU.
As a result of the discussion, the participants identified the following values of Ukrainians that help
them to be effective in crisis situations, including during war: religiosity; openness; freedom-loving;
freedom and self-government; love and good neighbourliness; language.