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Multi-stakeholder event in Lithuania on November 14th

The final event of the on Baltics4UA Project was organized on November 14th in the premises of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) library. 

The Director of the Library, Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Tautkevičienė, together with the project team, presented the results of the two-year-long project on providing support to Ukrainians. In addition, participants in this event listened to insightful presentations of the guest speakers.   

Dr. V. Demidenko, Director of the Jonava district Social Services Centre and lecturer at Kaunas College, gave a presentation on the possibilities of integration of war refugees.  

Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Štuopytė, lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities at KTU, shared her insights on the integration of newly-arrived migrant students into the school community. 

Prof. Dr. S. Petronienė, Head of the Centre for Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities at Kaunas University of Technology, shared her experience on the knowledge of the language and culture as the main tools for successful integration. 

Representatives of the non-state school “Herojus” presented the principles and mission of their school.  

In this event participated quadruplex helix actors: citizens, researchers, policy makers and representatives from business.