On December 14th a case study championship “Social Communications as an
Effective Tool for Involving Business in Humanitarian Aid” was hosted by Lviv Polytechnic.
The competition, which was held in an offline format, showed great interest among the participants,
including representatives of the academic community (students and professors) of Lviv Polytechnic. Each
participant had the opportunity to express their own point of view on the importance of using social
communications to engage businesses in supporting humanitarian projects.

The participants of the case championship, students of the Social Communications and Information
Activities Department, presented innovative approaches and strategies that allow businesses to actively
participate in humanitarian programs, while providing benefits for both parties. Each case also contained
practical results of engaging both large and small businesses in times of crisis, including helping Ukraine. All
participants of the championship presented ideas that are striking in their freshness and can be
implemented taking into account current trends. They proved that young people could be a source of the
best innovations aimed at ensuring effective interaction between business and humanitarian projects.

This case championship has become a great example of how students can not only develop and propose
ideas, but also influence the formation of strategies in the field of social communications and humanitarian

The organizers of the event, the participants of the Baltics4UA project, hope that the initiatives developed
during the case championship will encourage businesses to take an active role in socially responsible
projects, while contributing to solving global problems and supporting those in need.