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21.05.24 The Experience Cafe at University of Tartu

On May 21st, the University of Tartu organized an Experience Café titled “A Dialogue on
Ukraine-related Projects.” The event brought together a diverse group of people from
different institutions, including the University of Tartu (encompassing the Johan Skytte
Institute of Political Studies, the Institute of Cultural Research, and the Institute of Foreign
Languages and Cultures), Tallinn University of Technology, the Estonian University of Life
Sciences, the Estonian Military Academy, and NGOs such as Ukraina Maja, KOLO, and the
International Women’s Network in Estonia.

This networking event was a unique opportunity for individuals working on Ukraine-related
projects to meet one another, discuss shared challenges, share best practices, and seek future
collaboration. Baltics4UA is proud to serve as a platform for facilitating change by
connecting higher education staff, NGOs, and businesses to address the humanitarian crisis
caused by the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The event consisted of two main parts: networking and group work. The networking began in
a speed dating format, during which attendees could learn each other’s names, the
organizations they represent, and briefly discuss the scope of their activities. Based on these
discussions, participants formed groups with those with whom they found the closest points
of synergy to discuss their experiences in organizing Ukraine-related projects and events. The
fruitful discussions were summarized with reflections from participants, who shared that it
was a great learning and networking experience for them.