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Country-level reports have been uploaded on Zenodo

We are delighted to present one of the final deliverables of the Baltics4UA project—a set of country-level reports prepared in collaboration with our partners in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine.

What’s Inside?

These reports offer a comprehensive overview of the impactful activities carried out during the project, tailored to the unique context of each partner country. Each report is available in the respective partner languages—Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian.

Why It Matters

These publications aim to inform and inspire a wide audience, including researchers, educators, and policymakers. By showcasing good practices and strategies that contributed to higher education resilience, these reports serve as valuable resources for addressing challenges and fostering collaboration in higher education systems.

Access the Reports

Explore the country-level reports and learn more about the innovative approaches that shaped the Baltics4UA project. Click the link below to download the reports:

Reports on Zenodo