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Two hackathon Challenges for Baltic university students working with space data on Ukrainian cultural heritage protection!

Web2Learn is proud to announce that we set up two teams of #university students and staff of #Baltic universities to compete in two #hackathon competitions: a) the #NASA Space Apps Challenge 2023- Dnipro event, and b) #DigiEduHack 2023. At the… Read More »Two hackathon Challenges for Baltic university students working with space data on Ukrainian cultural heritage protection!

Experience of the University of Latvia in Crisis Response and Support of
Ukrainian Community in Riga

The University of Latvia (UL) team hosted an engaging event on May 19th, 2023,focusing on education institutions experience in crisis response and support for theUkrainian community in Riga. The event featured the participation of 25 students, 4researchers, and 1 student… Read More »Experience of the University of Latvia in Crisis Response and Support of
Ukrainian Community in Riga

A Webinar “Business and Academic Resilience to Support the Ukrainian Crisis Response in the Baltics”

On April 11th, Web2Learn hosted a webinar aimed at exploring the role of businesses andacademia in promoting resilience in response to the Ukrainian crisis in the Baltic region. Theinteractive session brought together experts and stakeholders from the business, academic, civilsociety,… Read More »A Webinar “Business and Academic Resilience to Support the Ukrainian Crisis Response in the Baltics”