Supporting Ukraine through citizen engagement at Baltic Universities
Since the beginning of the Russian aggression on Ukraine, numerous Ukrainian citizens have been forced to leave their homes in order to seek refuge in safer spaces. Since February 2022, the Baltic states have become a safe haven for Ukrainians. This harsh reality has motivated partners of the Baltics4UA project to engage in social actions for the benefit of Ukrainians in need.
There is an urgent need to upskill university staff and strengthen Baltic universities capacity building in crisis response. Baltics4UA project stimulates innovative educational practice and staff upskilling at Baltic HEIs through cross-cultural dialogue, citizen engagement, business-academia cooperation.
Baltics4UA project will place emphasis on integrating the values of human dignity, human rights and solidarity in Baltic societies.
PROJECT NUMBER- 2022-2-EE01-KA220-HED-000096422
“Supporting Ukraine through citizen engagement at Baltic Universities” under the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2: Partnerships for Cooperation
Baltics4UA enhances Baltic universities’ social responsibility through civic engagement actions to address the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis in the Baltics.

Foster Baltic Universities’ capacity building and inclusion mechanisms in humanitarian crises
Baltics4UA project makes Baltic universities act for the benefit of Ukrainian populations through commitment of the quadruple helix actors. Project will organise a variety of citizen engagement actions, bringing together academic staff, students, citizens, local communities and regional and national stakeholders in Baltic countries to enhance cross-institutional knowledge transfer and capabilities in front of a Ukrainian humanitarian crisis.

Design transparent and sustainable actions as means of curriculum development
Baltics4UA project does not only intend to build inclusive higher education systems but also innovative and sustainable learning and teaching practices that will foster staff and students’ competences to effectively respond to societal and humanitarian crises. Baltics4UA partners will bring participatory actions for the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis for a social purpose to the forefront of Higher Education institutions’ crisis response practices.