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Reflecting on the success of the  “Online experience café: Academia-society-business social actions for crisis response in Ukraine”

The recent online experience café, held on April 15th, marked a significant milestone in fostering dialogue and collaboration among academia, the business community, and civil society representatives across the Baltic region, with a particular focus on addressing the ongoing crisis… Read More »Reflecting on the success of the  “Online experience café: Academia-society-business social actions for crisis response in Ukraine”

15.04.2024 Online Experience Café: Bridging Academia, Society, and Business for Crisis Response in Ukraine

Join us for an insightful Online Experience Café, a groundbreaking event designed to catalyze powerful collaborations across academia, the business community, and civil society to address the pressing crisis in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine has prompted urgent needs and… Read More »15.04.2024 Online Experience Café: Bridging Academia, Society, and Business for Crisis Response in Ukraine

Online webinar “Psychological Support for Citizens in Crisis Situations” was hosted by Lviv Polytechnic

On January 24, 2024, Lviv Polytechnic hosted an online webinar on “Psychological Support for Citizens inCrisis Situations”. The event was attended by representatives of the LPNU academic community andstudents. The speaker at the event was Iryna Sniadanko, a practicing psychologist,… Read More »Online webinar “Psychological Support for Citizens in Crisis Situations” was hosted by Lviv Polytechnic

The students of Tallinn University hosted a folk dance workshop that united Ukrainian and Estonian cultures

On December 4th 2023, in a warm atmosphere of friendship and cultural exchange, within thewalls of the school Tallinna Mustamäe Gümnaasium, with the participation of students fromTallinn University LIFE project, a unique event took place that united Ukrainian and Estonianchildren.… Read More »The students of Tallinn University hosted a folk dance workshop that united Ukrainian and Estonian cultures